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Sensoptic Vision.
A picture is worth
a thousand words.

Innovative measuring system that captures instant photographs of small filament imperfections running at high line speeds, ideally suited for quality control of spools in laboratory winding stations and in production machines.

Real-time quality control of spools.

It can be tedious to analyze wires and filaments meter by meter under the microscope looking for possible punctual defects.

With Sensoptic Vision, it is now possible to improve quality and reduce costs by replacing subjective and time-consuming visual inspection with objective and automatic quality certification.

Magnet Wire Lump

Disruptive Innovation

Live pictures of defects in motion.

What if you could see any imperfections continuously during production in order to adjust and optimize your process straight away? Now you can!

Sensoptic Vision is the first system that allows you real-time detection and visualization of micrometric faults of round and flat targets with outstanding image quality.



Sensoft Vision


Profile Sensor PXL


Vision Camera



Main features

Instant photos

line speeds up to 1000 m/min


High image quality

5 megapixel sensor

Microscopic visualisation

10 µm resolution

Intelligent software


Easy integration

into production machines


Sensoft Vision:
your digital eyes.

When the size of a fault exceeds the defined threshold criterion, Sensoft Vision visualizes its shape in a graph and displays it photographically.

The intuitive and easy-to-use software provides extensive data and statistics for quality analysis, and records comprehensive documentation for post-evaluation.

Try a demo.

Do you like to have a first look of how Sensoptic Vision works?
Clic the image below to launch the visual demo.